The greatest example of sports in the morning is when I could wake up at 5 a.m. during COVID and happily watch Korean baseball.

Those were the days...

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good column mike and i'm no red sox apologist but kennedy is right here. story is like a trade in that he's showing up midseason and is a difference maker. sale/whitlock are starters if healthy. they need a bonafide 1 if they go really big. anything else is just window dressing. guys they should kick tires on are cease, verlander (why not) if he's healthy. offense is fine, and relief is gonna be fine w schrieber. they need an ace

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The Red Sox are challenging to watch, we can beat up on the good, even great teams but can barely muster runs against the worst team in baseball. Cora looks like he is done, he does not appear to be motivated. I cannot blame him though, when your bosses are giving you what you need to succeed, even though they tell you it's ok. Shame lol

WEEI, idek where to begin, I was listening earlier driving and half the time they were doing these awful impressions of various sports guys and I am not even sure what the point they were trying to make. It was also unfunny. Not a fan of the sportshub either though, so what do I know? lol

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I’ve had more opportunities to listen in the morning and I’m sorry but that show is awful. Even a complete disaster at 98.5 couldn’t wake up GHS and crew. It appears they do little to no show prep whatsoever. 2 hour lead segment where people make wild predictions so they can say they were right once. Stark contrast to the rest of the shows who seem to actually watch sports and have a daily plan for their show.

I disagree with the Jones character but at least with the other 2 they balance it out a bit. I’d rather listen to that than YARM Radio in the afternoons.

Mut, it’s absolutely different. You learned on the fly how to be a host at a major sports station. Greg’s a vet and their plan to build an audience is to do some road shows. Pretty disappointed when you’ve listened to that long enough to have received a few Teddy Twenties. Can’t imagine how you feel with the time and effort you invested.

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