Another well considered edition of the FFF, Mr. Mut.

Sitting here, eagerly awaiting video of your intro for Ray Bourque to be posted online later tonight.

The Ty Law intro was a banger.

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I guess I am really the only one who isn't a fan of Cora. I know he is good at his job but, I will always have a bad taste in my mouth because of Houston. He made some real bonehead decisions last year and truthfully, I have been completely tuned out of baseball this year. I am surprised how good they are doing but.... What do I know? Just a fan who is sick of disappointment.

Unfortunately, most of Gardner is against the horse racing, while they did here the opinions, I do not think it will pass, which is disappointing. We did just open an Aldi's, which is amazing. So, I guess this town isn't all bad.

WEEI is a travesty, sportshub is sportshub. Castiglione is the best on EEI right now lol.

Good looks

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