OK, I'll say two things, 'cause someone has to prop Mut up once in a while here...I swear if you search Will Flemmy's internet search, he Googles "Interesting People Facts" to pepper into his broadcasts...and God forbid he lands on something that makes him sound any less like Chuck Woolery, and he beats it into oblivion...case in point: anybody unlucky enough to be going for a humblebrag 4 mile run a few weeks ago and got caught up in his waxing poetic about the Comedy Hall of Fame, followed by 4 innings of compulsive "Who's On First" with the delivery of Sam the Eagle...could literally feel Joe C.'s anguish, palpable as it was, when it just wouldn't end...I still have to chuckle when I listen to 'Loomer, as it still tickles me tht I stole his girlfriend in '95...ha, I really showed him...he sounds like my buddy in 6th grade doing the play-by-play in a treehouse, he's OK...but I digress. Number Two: Props to Susan Waldman - say what you will - but she was a total sweetheart when it came time for the last Sox/Yanks broadcast booth takeover she would do with Joe C. a few weeks ago. Obviously falling all over herself out of mad respect, but she really struck a chord talking about how she was a Red Sox fan (yes, THAT Susan Waldman) growing up and listened to Joe...there's rivalries, and then there are the class acts that make them fun. Good stuff, Mut. If I ever get a job I'll actually support you.

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Joe deserves a good send off, JD. Thanks for propping me up 😂😂😂

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Ahh, one of these years, presidential election, 49ers vs Patriots. Would have loved to see them in 2020 but, ya know..... I have been tuned out a bit and when I tune in, it's injuries. As always, someone steps up. Just need to be healthy. I hope CMC returns, he's too important.

The Red Sox are such a god damn disappointment, it's embarrassing. How on this planet John Henry and Co., can bring us 4 world titles and be so hated.

I can break it down a bit so hear me out.

2002 they bought the team, 2003 ended with Aaron fucking Boone.

Then 2004, win it all. 3 years later, 2007, dominance, couple up and down years. 6 years, 2013, amazing and incredible. My favorite team personally. 5 years later 2018, again. It's been 6 years now and nothing but failure IMO. Some bright spots, real bright spots but, so much pain.

So frustrating as fan, and then ticket prices, for this?

can't take it.

I liked OB better on the radio, maybe they can send him down and Merloni and someone not as dry as wallpaper lol.

good looks

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I loved OB on radio, but I don't think he's moving off NESN. Pats 49ers!

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Who hates Mut more - Shanders or Mick?

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Gotta bet Eytan

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